Prep basketball schedule
Western Canada Prep Academy (WCPA) is a basketball academy program created to offer athletes an opportunity to develop their game and upgrade their academics to pursue post-secondary athletics. WCPA's National Post-Grad Team will play a 30-40 game schedule, including local and international (USA) game play. In addition to playing their schedule within Canada, WCPA will be attending some of the largest tournaments and showcases in the Western US.

Schedule overview
Between September 2022-April 2023, WCPA will play between 30-40 games including game play in both Canada and USA. In addition to the game schedule, WCPA will practice 5x/week allowing weekends when we are home to be downtime for the athletes. Athletes will have Individual Performance Plan (IPP’s) set up for the skill development and athletic development built around their school schedule. An example of regular daily schedule would look similar to:
9:00 AM -11:00 AM - Class
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM - Workout (IPP)
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Study Hall
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Team Practice
*Potential variation would occur in Team Practice times. Classes will be either morning block or afternoon block at Centre High Campus or delivered through Athabasca University on an asynchronous schedule, workouts will be arranged based on IPP groupings of athletes and coordination of schedules.
In Canada, WCPA will be taking advantage of the close proximity to universities and college teams to play a schedule of exhibitions against local colleges and universities. In addition to playing the schedule against those schools, the primary schedule will consist of showcases and games against preparatory programs in Western Canada. In the USA, WCPA will be attending some of the largest tournaments and showcases in the Western United States including the Tarkanian Classic (Las Vegas, Nevada). Schedule will be finalized by May 2022 with confirmed dates and complete scheduling. Below is last season's tentative schedule that was modified slightly due to COVID but completed with the same # of trips and games as originally planned.
bC exhibition series - british columbia, canada
october 2021
Edge prep invitational - calgary, alberta, canada
November 2021
Battle in the desert - phoenix, arizona, usa
November 2021
tarkanian classic - las vegas, nevada, USA
december 2021
ontario exhibition series - ontario, canada
january 2022
los angeles showcase - california, usa
february 2022
wcpa showcase - alberta, canada
march 2022